Preseason Checklist

  1. Meet with Head Coach: Meet with the head coach to discuss expectations, possible tournament options, budget, and agenda for first team meeting.
  2. Schedule a Team Meeting: Work with your coach to pick a time and place to introduce the coach, yourself, the players and parents. Let the coach discuss expectations and any important details he/she wants to cover. 
  3. Collect Contact Information: Collect names, phone numbers, email addresses, jersey numbers from each of your parents. The club should have sent you the information parents registered with, so use this to start with and ask for any additions/changes. This isn't only for yourself, but to share with other parents on the team who may need help getting rides to practices or games. 
  4. Collect Documents: The following documents must be collected for each player. Your team meeting is the perfect time to do this. Copy of Birth Certificate 
  5. Build a Binder for Game Days: The documents you collect must be brought to each game, so we recommend that you set up a binder for your team. Check out the Game Management section for more information.
  6. Recruit Volunteers: Some team managers spread out responsibilities to other parents on the team. Possible positions are a Tournament Coordinator, Activities Coordinator or a Fundraising Coordinator. 
  7. Use EYHA Email System: Make sure you have access to and are using your EYHA Gmail account for all team communications.

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