Game Day Management


  1. Your team must have a medical bag on the bench at the beginning of EVERY game. Please work with you coach on this item. If the officials find that you do not have a medical bag on the bench, the team could be given a bench minor penalty.
  2. The first aid kit shall contain the following recommended items: 
  3. Band aids – 1 dozen of various shapes and sizes 
  4. White medical tape – At least 1 roll 
  5. Scissors 
  6. Cold packs. AT least 3 
  7. Gauze – 1 roll or 10 packs 
  8. Rubber/Surgical Gloves – at least 1 pair
  9. If you should run out of any of these supplies, please refill during practice in the coach's office.


As the team manager you are required (*) to bring a number of items to every game. To make your job easier, we recommend that you put together a binder that includes the following items. You can also access our digital folder (Google Drive) of these items.

  1. Every Player's Birth Certificate
  2. USA Hockey Roster
  3. Scoresheets (Handed out at CSHL Hockey Scheduling meeting)
  4. GameSheet Quick Start Guide - Scoring a Game on iPad
  5. Tips and Best Practices - Using GameSheet Effectively
  6. Roster Stickers (10U and above)
  7. Pens, scratch paper
  8. Scorekeepers Worksheet


Prior to each home game 

1. Schedule a scorekeeper and clock operator.

2. Teams will also need a volunteer to open penalty box door. This is also needed at away games and tournament games.

3. It is best to make a schedule and have every family take a turn. 

When Using Score Sheets

  1. Apply your team's roster stickers
  2. Find visiting team manager and apply their roster stickers
  3. Have both teams' coaches sign score sheet after updating the rosters

After the game

1. Refs will sign score sheet

2. Get the score sheet back from your volunteer

3. Give pink copy to visiting team manager.

4. Keep yellow copy

When using Gamesheet

  1. Start a new game, then load from schedule
  2. Confirm Lineups, must have coach select a goalie, and sign off on roster
  3. Score the Game

After the Game using Gamesheet

  1. Verify no errors, then tap End Game
  2. Give the iPad to the referees to complete the Officials / Post Game page and sign,
  3. Upload Game
  4. Confirm post-game email is received
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