Refund Policies

Refund policies for each program are listed below. If you have any questions about these policies please contact the club treasurer.

2024 Snowball Shootout


2024 Snowball Showcase

Refunds are available for cancellations made before December 1, 2024. After this date, no refunds will be issued, regardless of the reason for withdrawal.

Coaching Registration

Not eligible for refunds.

Lake Erie Panthers Hockey

Any non-health related request for a refund of registration fees must be submitted to the EYHA Board prior to the start of the CSHL pre-season period. All refunds will be prorated from the start of the practice season and shall include a minimum payment by the player/family of 1/3 of the player registration fees to cover ice and administration fees. A prorated refund of registration fees after the start of the CSHL Pre-Season period may be granted only for injuries or illness. Any claim for refund must be presented to the Board in writing and must be accompanied by a physician’s statement of restriction.

Learn to Play Hockey


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